Error messages configuration
Compile-time error messages can be tweaked either passing -D...
properties to the JVM hosting the compiler (or BSP) or using environment variables.
Code format
Key: -Diron.codeFormat
Default: short
Change the format used to display the code in compile-time error messages. Each format correspond to a Printer.
Value | Printer |
full |
TreeCode |
full_colored |
TreeCodeAnsi |
short |
TreeShortCode |
structure |
TreeStructure |
Short messages
Key: -Diron.shortMessages
Default: false
Use short one-line error messages or detailled ones. Short messages can be useful for IDE lenses (like Error Lens in VSCode).
val x: Int :| Positive = -5
Should be strictly positive: -5
-- Constraint Error --------------------------------------------------------
Could not satisfy a constraint for type scala.Int.
Value: -5
Message: Should be strictly positive
Short reasons
Key: -Diron.shortReasons
Default: true
Use more concise reasons when a value cannot be refined at compile-time. Full messages can be useful when debugging a custom constraint
-- Constraint Error --------------------------------------------------------
Cannot refine value at compile-time because the predicate cannot be evaluated.
This is likely because the condition or the input value isn't fully inlined.
To test a constraint at runtime, use one of the `refine...` extension methods.
Inlined input: a
Inlined condition: (((a.>(0.0): Boolean): Boolean).&&((a.<(100.0): Boolean)): Boolean)
Message: Should be strictly positive & Should be less than 100
- Term not inlined: a:
- at main/src/io/github/iltotore/iron/constraint/any.scala:[2990..2995]
- at main/src/io/github/iltotore/iron/macros/intersection.scala:[903..908]
-- Constraint Error --------------------------------------------------------
Cannot refine value at compile-time because the predicate cannot be evaluated.
This is likely because the condition or the input value isn't fully inlined.
To test a constraint at runtime, use one of the `refine...` extension methods.
Inlined input: a
Inlined condition: (((a.>(0.0): Boolean): Boolean).&&((a.<(100.0): Boolean)): Boolean)
Message: Should be strictly positive & Should be less than 100
Reason: Non-inlined boolean and. The following patterns are evaluable at compile-time:
- <inlined value> && <inlined value>
- <inlined value> && false
- false && <inlined value>
Left member:
Some arguments of `>` are not inlined:
Arg 0:
Term not inlined: a
Right member:
Some arguments of `<` are not inlined:
Arg 0:
Term not inlined: a
In this article